Elise and her incredible Midwife

Elise and her incredible Midwife

Customer Story : Elise and her incredible Midwife

Our second child :

We recently welcomed our second child into the world. The birth went perfectly, she was beautiful and we were so in love with her. Then when she was 4 days old something in me switched. I found myself crying for hours for 'no reason' I just wanted to run away and felt so guilty I had bought such an innocent little person into such an awful world. I have never experienced anything so dark and confusing, post natal depression really caught me off guard.

Amazing Support :

Amidst this I had the most amazing support from my midwife. She cried with me, talked with me for hours and pushed me to help myself. Its still a journey but one I couldn't have started without her support so I wanted to get her something special to say thanks.

Special Gift :

I came across KJdesigns website and had a browse till I saw the wedding key chains and thought that would be perfect.  I'd found a quote I felt was fitting and Suz helped me chose the tree of life, representing the birth of our baby and angel wings representing the support she has been for me as well as a gem in her birthstone to personalise it further. I was so happy with the finished product that I'm ordering a keychain for my partners birthday as well.

Posted: Friday 22 July 2016
