Behind The Scenes
So I thought I'd share a few behind the scenes kind of photos. It was a spur of the moment idea, I asked my husband to take some pictures of me as I was working, hadn't put too much thought into it. Then I realised I was wearing clothes that had baby spew on them, I hadn't done my hair, and didn't have any makeup on. Ah well, this is reality of me working most days, so I decided to share with you guys anyway.
I could say that I made them black and white to make it look more 'documentary' style, but really I did it disguise the baby spew, lack of makeup and wrinkles etc.... so anyway, black and white. Looks more 'behind the scenes' I'm sure of it.
So this is where I work. I used to have my studio room, a room all for me. However our family expanded, and now I have a corner of the dining room. The upside is, I have windows to the side of me, and in front of me, and a view out to Kobys garden. Note my little helper sitting under my set. Being a work at home Mum, generally means I do most of my stamping when he is asleep, but in the weekends I can get some done when hubby is home to entertain the little man.
I have expanded onto the dining table, though I do have to clear that regularly so we can eat!
Handstamping means every letter, number, design stamp, is individually imprinted onto the metal using a hammer. This is a noisy job, and sometimes a painful job, I've hit my thumb more times than I like to remember.
My trusty hammer, with a glint in the handle (like a glint in his eye).
And ... Deep in concentration ... as much as one can be with a baby under your feet, and a camera pointing at you. I note my bad posture, and plan to make an effort to sit better, next time :)
My trustee printer repair man, having a look, he's sure there is an issue there somewhere... or just something shiny, that needs investigating.
And ... me ... no more photos please - I actually do need to do some work!
So, you will also note, that my desk is a MESS. This is a result of limited time, lots of orders, lots of work, and not enough time to actually clear my desk. It is marginally organised, but yes, still mess. I know where everything is though, and that is the main thing.
So thats me really ... in amoungst the mess, there is order. All in black and white, so it looks more factual, and less 'Mummy'. Hope you found it a little interesting.
Suz x
Posted: Tuesday 14 October 2014